Age of "new" tires

For what it's worth, I've been turned away from some chain tire stores for tires 3years or older "unless we installed them". This was in both southern and northern AZ in the early 2000s.

First time I wanted a patch for a small nail hole in the center of the tire - had to find a place that sold tacos and tires from the same trailer to get it done. The second time I was just looking for a rebalance. Got told that it was too much risk because dry tires could explode on the balancer.

It was obviously horse **** both times, but I learned that lots of bigger outfits and chains (which tend to put the small shops out of business) will put their sales quotas over service every time.

As a result, I wouldn't take old stock tires if paying new prices. Imagine having a flat that no one will repair while on a road trip? It's also why I try to deal with small local outfits even if I pay a couple hundred more.