"I guess" another doctor is about to bite the dust

Ranting? Try RAVING!!!

At the time I broke my ribs last, which will be TWO YEARS come mid August............I did not even "have" a doctor, as I'd fired the last bunch over inaction and costing me money for same

I THOUGHT this new one was gonna be "it." BUT

She's spent a LOT of time "off" for various reasons
At some point I was "declared" diabetic and put on a diabetic drug which is supposed to be monitored..........

............and I ended up months ago, with a "follow up" scheduled for this next week.....and there are other issues as well

Meanwhile, earlier this spring I had Covid and spent a day in emergency.........where they.......

found evidence of problems......... CT and X ray shows "lung blood clots" so they put me on Elequis, a very dangerous and expensive blood thinner WHICH IS SUPPOSED TO BE monitored

And "fatty liver" and something about spots on my pancreas.

SO WHEN I CHECKED several weeks ago about this upcoming follow up, I get a bunch of double talk from their office staff and "nurse." And I EXPLAINED to them that I cannot afford to just drive out there and say "hi how are ya" ("You'll have to ask the doctor when you see her) I THOUGHT I had made myself clear.

SO WEDNESDAY I called over there to see if a blood lab had been ordered for next week's visit and NO!!!! I had to argue with them some more.

This morning I JUST got back from the lab FINALLY with some tests ordered for the upcoming "show."

I've about frickin had it ladies and boys. Most the doctors you research that seem to be good are not taking new patients. This one is out in Post Falls so that's a fair drive, ---specially if you are not feelin well---

And I have no idea "where to go from here". WORSE she is part of the "Kootenai Health" megagropolis complex, a huge beast that is sucking up everything around here

----------------"Un- rant"------------------

Just an FYI. If you do need Blood Thinners, Warfarin is a fraction of the cost and does the same thing .After my Heart Attack in April they prescribed Elequis for me. At $495 Co-Pay I told them to find something cheaper.The only bad thing about Warfarin are the trips to the clinic every 2 or 3 weeks to check your INR.