"I guess" another doctor is about to bite the dust

Jesus H tap-dancing Christ that is the truth. I'm not a Vet, and I think it's f**king pathetic how we treat them at the VA. Socialized medicine needs to be put on hold until they figure out the VA first.
The VA really isn't all that bad.
It got a bad rap back in the day and, deservedly so, but it's come a long way.
Right now it's biggest problem isn't the quality of care vets get, its a matter that they can't get it.
If you are in an area that's heavy with senior citizens, like Florida, the system can't keep up.
The VA needs more facilities and people to staff them. Utilize medical schools and teaching hospitals to supplement the medical staff.
I've learned the further away from those heavy senior populations, or the ones near major medical schools, the easier to get a VA appointment.