So….more header talk….this had me scratching my head


Actually, if it goes lean with a header change you can bet the header isn’t functioning correctly.

When you change from one header to another and you have to take jet out (because it’s rich) you know the header is doing it’s job. There is a reason for that and it’s important, not only for header function but any time you do work on the induction or exhaust. Any time you have to take jet away (for the most part) you will make more power and be quicker and faster on the track.
I agree with you 100% especially with post 9 on leads car, I was thinking though about the flying toilet scenario being a little different but I definitely can be wrong. But it seems to me that flying toilet could load up fairly easy and an engine would have to really work to compensate for all that air & fuel being blocked by a low pressure wave in that header up until a point where it's scavenging efficiency is near it's peak.