How Does Your Animal Show Affection?

My black cat Susu (pretty sure she's a Bombay) is a chatterbox, she'll talk your ear off. Every day when I get home from work I can hear her meowing through the door as I unlock it and when I open it she's sitting right there, then immediately runs over and scratches her scratching post. All while still meowing lol. She also loves to cuddle whether sitting on my lap, being picked up and held, laying up against me in my bed, or flopping on the floor for belly rubs and a kitty massage. Definitely one of if not the most affectionate cat I've ever met.

I've had her about 11 years now and not a single time has she ever hissed at me or tried to bite me in a non-playful way. I consider myself fortunate, I am a "cat person" but a lot of cats are just straight assholes. I couldn't own a cat that wasn't cool with being pet and held regularly.