Idler Arm Removal



Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2016
Reaction score
New Jersey
Help! trying to remove the idler are on my 1969 Barracuda. Try as I might I cannot loosen the bolt and nut. Very limited room at the top to get a good grip on the nut to turn it. Been soaking with PB Blaster for a couple of days.
Try the candle trick. heat it up slightly melt a cheap B day candle on it wait five minutes it should come right off. Old time trick.
Just went through a disassembly and replacement of the front end on my 64 Valiant.

If the candle or heat approach doesn't work try CRC Freeze Off. It was the clear winner for me with bolts and torsion bars that just laughed at PB Blaster.
Try the candle trick. heat it up slightly melt a cheap B day candle on it wait five minutes
That's a new one. ( Heat is your friend, but melting a candle on a bolt???)

You could always put a wanted ad for a California car replacement bolt and cut yours off.

Then send the cut off bolt to your elected officials and tell them to stop using NaCl on your roads.
Also try Kroil. It’s a powerful solvent used a lot in the aircraft industry. It’s worked for me when nothing else will, excluding the candle trick, which I haven’t tried.
heat in general helps
Ya, Flame wrench.
Beg, borrow, steal one.
I don't know how you guys in the rust bucket states, repair, without one.

Hmmm, I've worked on some rusty stuff too, but, I never had a idler arm bolt that wouldn't come loose with a good impact gun, or breaker bar with a long pipe on the handle.