Minimum Air Compressor Size

CFM is the king of compressor stats and trumps everything else, but surprisingly few people use it in conversations like these.

If you have adequate CFM, you theoretically don't even need a tank.

If you'll be doing any sandblasting 12-15 CFM @90 is borderline.
THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH and while on this, view CFM ratings with a jaundiced eye. Old school ratings were at 90psi, but sometime ?? in the mid sixties--early 70's people like Wards and Sears started rating them at 40 psi (to make them seem larger) and then some genius started rating them at INTAKE/ atmospheric air. The numbers get larger, but the true 90psi output stays the same

ALSO IF YOU are going to use an old tank, consider doing a redneck hydro test (water pressure) I was recently given an "oil less" one that the tank had rusted and started leaking