How Does Your Animal Show Affection?

My dogs all have their own unique ways of showing affection, they will all snuggle on the couch with my wife, typically taking turns.
The oldest, Charlie, loves to be beside me when I'm in the recliner and will rest his head on the arm until I pet him, then slowly sink to the floor. if I stop, he will sit up and give me the look, like why did you stop? He has recently started sleeping on the bed at night, but will stay at the foot, taking as little space as he can, no easy feat for a 90 lb Husky/Shepherd mix. He's always been an "independent thinker" as we call it, but has become more and more affectionate with age.
Our girl Olive is a real sweetie, a 65 lb Shepherd/Husky mix, she will snuggle anytime, anywhere, often jumping on the bed while I'm getting dressed, she will muss the blankets until I sit down and and pet her, or give her a belly rub. She loves to fetch, and will chase the ball until her tongue is dragging on the ground. She climbs on my recliner and lays beside me whenever one of the others is occupying the couch.
Then there's Izzy, we got him about 6 weeks ago, and he was already 42 lbs two weeks ago when he went for his last round of vaccines at 4 months. His breed is unclear, but we believe he has some Malinois/Shepherd, and possibly Labrador. He will push his way through the others looking for attention, lays on my feet when I'm having breakfast, and will gladly jump on my recliner to lick my face, he has learned to climb up on the bed just this weekend, so he follows Olive anytime she gets up, 'cause he doesn't want to miss out on any attention.