The good, the bad and the WTF of Wallmart!

The stuff that they have in bulk is kinda of a waste, I mean who needs a case of corn? They should have a variety case of vegetables ….
I know a few retired people (me included) that shop monthly. Purchasing in bulk for an item that is in a can or can be frozen for long periods makes a 1 a month trip a heavy load it then your done. I don’t know how many cans of corn are in a case that you see, but that could last two months. Just pick up the car or veggies you like. I can’t stand carrots myself.

General discussion section. As long as it doesn't get ugly, chill
Splitting hairs and starting an argument with the thread started. Nice (sarcasm)
Be Dan, not Dick, post pictures. Whatcha got?
None? HUSH UP! LMAO! Take it light Dan.