Rack and pinion

Mopars are known for their sloppy steering and also I was thinking that it would be a good idea for awesome header clearance.

Maybe your Mopar is known for sloppy steering, but there's nothing different about them than any other worm and ball steering with tie rod ends. If your Mopar has sloppy steering, then it's probably time for a new pitman, idler and tie rod ends. And either an adjustment on the steering box tension or a rebuild.

Properly rebuilt with new parts the steering should not be sloppy.

And the header clearance thing isn't a help anyway, because where you have to put the rack to manage rear steer the steering couplers are still in the way, and the rack itself has to sit behind the K frame pretty far, so, it's still in the way. And the headers made for these cars aren't made to clear it in that location. Again, it's only a help for header clearance if you go front steer, and that takes a full coilover conversion to do correctly with good steering geometry.