How short this life is !

Yep ... I told Melissa a few tears back that I only have so much time to still do the things I enjoy.. Dirtbiking and Motocross , Hockey , Back Country Elk/Deer Hunting , Big Mtn Skiing , and of course building / driving my Mopars . I am only 60 but in reality I only have another 15-20 years on the outside to do physical stuff .

I’ve come to realize how quickly things head downhill once men get stuck in that “I’m too old for this” mindset. I have an uncle that is well into his sixties and will work circles around me. He runs a few miles a day, works on his little farm and doesn’t spend more than an hour just lounging around. Then I know guys in their fifties that couldn’t be bothered to lift a finger when they get home from their desk jobs. Their health is already going downhill and in their head they are too out of shape to even go sit in a deer stand. Hard work keeps you young.