360 stroker how much HP is picked up if everything else stays the same?


Oh I’m not acting like or trying to sell an untruth here and even more so since I posted videos proving you wrong wrong and wrong. BUT…

Thanks for admitting your wrong and have no idea what your talking about. Even more so since you gave the spread on a build with no other information than displacement.

Once again, you assume to much and apon making the assumption, shown yourself as wrong ….. again.
I like how you keep shooting yourself in the foot and then stuffing it in your own mouth. Excellent job!

Just cause your not able to understand me doesn't make me wrong, not saying I'm 100% correct but definitely not 100% wrong, I actually like learning but I need a decent counter argument, to me calling someone a bunch of names and give no reason why their wrong, is that suppose to change my mind ? I got my theory how things work and does change over time when get new info. Out of your 10 post only one was a semi constructive #37, if that's proof a 410 that makes slightly more power than 360. That's not gonna change how I think and probably not sale the idea on the OP.

curves on dyno.png curves on the track.png
First one is how most looking at dyno curves of 2 engines 2nd is how people should especially with proper gearing on the track.

To the OP I just give you my theory take it or leave, not saying to not build a 416 do want you want, but if your looking for more hp fully porting your W2 is a sure thing.

Well, then I’d say the following;

1: Don’t speak until you know what your talking about. In example, predicting the power curves and spreads of 2 engines without knowing anything about the said engine except displacement.

2: Take a wider stance on the answer. You said they would act in a certain way. How can this be so when all you know are the displacement of the two engines?

Now IF you had said, the TEND TO…..

3: Stop coming off as a arrogant know it all.

4: Stop twisting words and curving the direction of the actual question and trend of the thread.

5: Grow a thicker skin.

6: Heed your own words, warnings and abide by them. If you did t want to talk with me, don’t answer me or quote me.

When you put yourself out there on a public forum, the public responds. If you don’t like the response, address it or ignore it. Don’t cry about it.

I’ve put myself out there and been called on it.
In example!!!!!
Rat Bastard has publicly said I did wrong here, I’m wrong there, I’m mistaken there. When he does, or anyone else, I try to take it with a grain of salt and ask or look for why.

I even started a post because I couldn’t figure out two things. One, I was way to tired to realize I was way to tired and should have given up and called it a day on reading the instructions on …. #2 Trying to figure out my MSD distributor, the Pro Billet Digital E-curve unit.

Man-O-Man!!!! The next time I open it all up and the thread with it, I was just beside myself and I could only think one thing, that was a righteousness way to embarrass yourself!

Bit I’ll tell you what! Several members came to my aid right quick and a bit had a few private messages that I know where joking with me but then again, that’s how I take them because they could have been ripping me a new one. And deservedly so. I give myself “Dumbfuck” for that one. But it’s still up for all to search and see. As well as hopefully laugh at!!!

There’s more than a few of us “Salty Ol’frackers” here but you don’t see me crying a river! I realize when Rat Bastard corrects me, suggests something or just plain ol’rips me a new one (dang your good at that you Ol’bastard!) I didn’t run away. I didn’t put him on ignore. I did take it.

And I’m sure I’ll get it again! By him or someone else.
Sorry to hurt your snowflake feelings 273.
I’ll try not to save yourself from looking like an asshat anymore. OK? Happy? LMAO!

Sorry I called you names. Do so come around and read up and realize a few things. I get schooled daily here. I hit members up with questions.
So stick around and get schooled. Do so wonder why before you reply.


It's not how you talk to me it's how you talk to others on here that bothers me and it's just not you.

I'm not trying to come off as a know it all, I try to give people some info so they can make up their own minds. Most of these things comedown to person preferences it's all compromises.