408 hyd roller, too much spring pressure?

Did you other to read the whole thread? If you want to use a BH spring go ahead. But if you use a BH spring to gain spring to retainer clearance you are a FOOL. You have a geometry issue, not a clearance issue.

The BH isn’t the do all, be all, end all. And yes, I’ve used them. And failed them. They may be ok for street stuff, but for racing applications I’ve yet to see a BH I’d use.
I'm sorry, but I must have missed your contribution to this thread when I first started reading it. Can you link me to your post? While you're at it, can you point to the part where I said beehives are "the do all, be all and end all"?

So what you are saying is that in every single case where a rocker touches a retainer that the problem is the rocker geometry and not, say, a set of .050" plus locks? Or a larger diameter spring/retainer combo? Etc.

With due respect, only a "FOOL" thinks he knows the answer to every scenario. Of course, I am generalising. As were you, I assume.