71 dodge dart swinger

That would be me! So I need to look through my old photos but I might have one marking out which wire was which on the factory harness. All I did was use a multi meter to trace the circuits on the factory dash. One leg off the turn signal is ground and the other is the positive. The ground is constant and if I call terminated at a screw point (there are multiple grounds going to the same point so thats another hint).

I'm starting to work on a newer version of this dash that is 3d printed but its been a bit of a struggle as I'm not the best with CAD so the complexity of designing a dash that integrates into the car is challenging. Like I have what I want on paper but its telling the computer what I want lol

thanks for the info, I guess I need to just look at the wiring diagrams and try to figure it out. Is it just the turn signal lights that go through the cluster or do others also?
Thanks again sir!