408 hyd roller, too much spring pressure?

What costs more – replacing a set of valves with associated machining costs and liners, or buying a set of springs that saves valvetrain weight and has better harmonics?

Two solutions to the same problem. Which is more economical for the man on the street?

Well wait, now you want to budget ****?

Ok, I’ll go there. Most aftermarket heads come with 11/32 stems. So that’s in the cost of the new heads.

Rebuilding what you have, aluminum or CI?? You’ll need guides anyway. Same cost for .500 X .310 or .342 guides and it is for any other guide. So you lose there.

Valves? Yep, valves cost a bit of money. Let’s say they are 20 bucks each. That’s 320 dollars US. Cheap assed replacement valves are what, 12-13 bucks each? So uh-oh, at worse, we are talking about 8 valves at 8 bucks each. 64 dollars. 64 dollars on a what??? 5k build?? Not much.

So you look for every excuse to NOT a fix a geometry issue. That’s a YOU problem.