WARNING - AMD oil filler caps

That's hardly AMD's fault.
I don't agree. If the companies, that contract with the actual manufactures of the product, would hold them responsible, quality would improve. Back in the '70's-'80's I worked in a plant that made a product at the rate of over 300 per minute, per machine. Each and every item was inspected, both by people on an inspection line, and by machine(s). We would ship a truck load to the customer, and the customer would random inspect the items on their unloading dock, as the truck was unloaded. We were allowed 1 "major" defect, and/or 3 "minor" defects per truckload. If more were found the complete truck load was rejected. Our option was to either send inspectors to the customer, or have the entire load shipped back to our warehouse, and every single item was reinspected. If companies that contract to have parts made, would hold the manufactures accountable for defective products, this crap would stop. Why should the consumer be the final quality inspector?