How does cid make power?

Thats a 3% different by equal or even I mean practically,
Please restate. English rules not exactly observed.

there a less than 2% peak hp difference in the curve
Correct, as dictated by bore size.
it's a wash
Only as far as peak HP is concerned.
and with gearing torque is basically wash too,
Dream on. When you have been there and done that will you actually relent on this.
for a 50 cid $3000-4000 I wouldn't call these wins and be upset if I was convinced this was the way to go.
I’m not understanding this. Please restate
2% got to be in the margin of error between to identical engines. I picked those gears with 26" tires in mind that difference is equalled if the 410 had a 27" instead of a 26" 410=3904 vs 360=3912, If you want to see these as wins that's up to you.
Before we get into the gearing and wheel size, let’s stick with your question on engines.

A side note yes more torque is a gain but less powerband rpm is a negative when it comes to power not always cancelling each other out but when I laid the two power curves over one another it practically did.
How is making more power in a shorter power band a loss and how much of the power band is less in the two examples.
If I took it to a wild extreme of 2K rpm’s, you would achieve the max power sooner and change into the next gear quicker. On the street it equals more fun feel acceleration. Turning less rpm’s consistently will equal longer engine life.
Losing rpm in the powerband might be a bonus in driveablity but negative in power production.
What?!?!?! Are you even looking at what your typing?
First you show the increased power but then call it a negative after you say more torque is good?
Are you in drugs or something?
This makes zero sense!