Best way to clean coolant out of carpet?

Since we are off on another camping trip this coming weekend and need to use the truck, I had to try something to get some of the slickness cleaned out of the carpet, so wifey's feet don't get all slicked up.

A little outside of the box thinking - I had laid an old bath towel on the floor for a day. Next day it was pretty wet. Hmmmm - got me to thinking...... So I spread some new/fresh Arm & Hammer kitty litter that I get for free for spills on the carpet 2 days ago. Next day I checked it and it has definitely started doing it's thing. It was all wet. Vacuumed it up and spread some more around. This morning, I vacuumed that out and the carpet is not squishy-wet any longer. Just damp and slick feeling. Laid another clean towel in there. Will check it this evening. I just might be able to get it to the point that a good carpet cleaner removes the glycol feel and not have to remove the whole thing for a vertical hung wash out.