The Laws of

To a lot of people tobacco smoke is offensive, I get that so I am very respectful with my smoking. Today I went to a local restaurant for lunch, sat down ordered and 3 women walked in and sat about 4 tables away from me. The stench of the perfume they were warring made my eyes water. I got up the owner look at me and with a finger point and a wave of my hands he knew my order was cancelled and why. That my friends is worse than cigarette smoke. Should be outlawed my opinion
Yeah but the smell of perfume won't kill you.
My good friend just lost his wife of 50 years because of those dam things.
They spent their 50th anniversary and her 72nd birthday in the hospital with the love of his life on a morphine drip. If that isn't a good reason to quit then nothing is.
Sorry to be blunt but those are the real facts