Home sweet home

Well I didn’t do to good today. Got called to the lanes and was placed in the 8th row and when they hit the 7th row I was setting my tire pressure and getting ready to go when someone blew their engine at the starting line and oiled the track real bad. They ended up scraping the track and then they had trouble with the lights. Without any money in my racing pant and no water I swear my butt off for 2 1/2 hours. I’m
By myself so I was so thirsty you wouldn’t believe it. Come time to race I had to remind myself it’s go time. Actually had a good race but not racing here since 2019 I didn’t do a bad job but I scrubbed 2mph only to run under by .002. DA92C856-99F7-469D-A4B5-47164BC4A8F3.jpeg