Thoughts on frustrating situation.

Was a smaller local lot. Also a repair shop. Just remember the guy pushing and pushing for the extended. And now he's getting paid to fix the pos he bought at auction and sold us. The check engine light came on within prob 50 miles. Of course no way to document now. Can a dodge dealer plug it in and see if codes have been cleared and what for? I think there are laws for selling used "merchandise" you know is faulty.

Some of that will get tricky. You’d have a regular old fraud case if you could prove the seller knew the car was faulty, but that’s hard to prove. Likely the seller would just say they bought it as auction, it passed their inspection and they “didn’t know” it had any issues. And then you’d need to have the evidence to show they knew it was hooped when they sold it.

I would take a hard look at that warranty you bought, because I would imagine it would cover something as big as the transmission. Your other avenue to pursue is how quickly it needed repairs, since there might be consumer protections in your state for a used car that bit the dust that fast.

I’m not expert on the ECU’s and how they log stuff. If the check engine warnings weren’t cleared or the battery unhooked for a long period of time you may be able to get some history on that from a dealer. And sometimes they can tell you if things have been cleared, again, it depends on the system and how it was done. They might also be able to get you another opinion/quote, in case the lot is giving you the run around on repairs.