Prayers Needed

Here's the Deal, so Far. Got home last night. The pulmonary lung doctor said I could go if I pass a walk test. The internal medicine doctor wanted me to stay for another day. I really wanted to cruise, so with some oxygen increasing breathing practice, and a slow 6 minute walk. I passed. So the internal medicine guy ordered another chest x-ray. He finally cleared me to split. I did not leave against medical advice that would be kind of wrong, after asking for all the prayers of healing. Last night was pretty damned, hellish and I about went back to the hospital. Heck, when I got there Saturday evening, the ER doctor told me, another day or two I'd be deader than a doornail anyhow... took my steroids today, my antibiotics ( two of them) and did some breathing treatments. I did have to hit the rescue inhaler a couple times. When i was in there, I was on a total of four different broad spectrum IV antibiotics. I went out and got a pulse oxygen meter today so I can kind of monitor what's going on here at the house. I still can't run through the hardware store ( I had to get on one of them power carts today.) Thank God fer The Gal! She's tough as nails, ( bout as mean too! Well. Sometimes) in reality I should have stayed the extra day laying around in bed, getting my IV antibiotics, and my 3L of oxygen all day and all night. I just can't sit still that long, plus I've been fighting this at home for 8 weeks, and everything's already slid downhill, although if something happens to me, it's all game over anyhow. Thought I'd take it easy today but I had to go out and help A friend's widowed sister, measure for that job, fix my new pressure washer, go get some paint, ect. I'm hoping tonight I'll actually get some sleep. I didn't get much at the hospital and last night wacked. Almost like I never even went to the hospital bad. I am going to actually do the follow-up doctor, which I never do, I don't know why... (I guess I figure, if I'm good, I'm good?) This one's kind of scary....
I appreciate Each and Everyone of Y'alls Prayers and Uplifting Thoughts that You All sent. I'll keep you guys posted on how things are rolling. If there's Anything I Can Ever do, for Any-one of Y'all, that's in my power, just let me know. I've got a friend of mine that has bone cancer right now, that snaped his femur in half. He was supposed to get out of surgery at 7:30 I keep texting and calling his two brothers, all Gearheads, and I can't get anything or anyone, so I got to roll Y'all! I'm getting Worried 'bout him. THANK YOU ALL and FABO FOR MAKING IT HAPPEN!