How to install O/D plug

Use some sealant on the plug, I wipe it around the step in the bore before I install the plug. Then I drive the plug in place with a blunt punch...I use one that is 1/2" across the face. It will get tight.

Hi Dan, I saw this and wanted to ask a similar question. I built an aluminum case trans for my drag car and am using the Red Line heavy shock oil on your recommendation. The case was bushed with steel bushings front and rear by Liberty and it has their raced prepped gears. My problem is oil seeps out the front counter shaft and down under the bellhousing. Not a lot, but enough to leave a mark on the cardboard under the car at night. I used some Permatex #2 on the front, but that didn't change the seepage. I thought about having the shaft cut for an o-ring in the front. Do you have an idea to seal the area? It's not leaking from the bushing, it is the shaft.Liberty Trans (14).JPG