Power advantage between Ford 351, Mopar 340 and Chevy 350??

Better than what? The other cars available on your island? Okay.

Own the world? No. Saved it? Yes. Including Australia in 1942 when the U.S. Navy stopped the Japanese invasion fleet at Coral Sea. You're welcome.
Well a production Falcon with a 351 clevo is better than one without one. :) Guess you couldn't work that one out.
LOL.. you saved the world... hahahah what a wanker..
Funny because that's what the French think when it comes to your country, and saving you from the Brits..
You were only in the Pacific trying to save face for that Pearl harbor disaster and your own self interests. Up until that point, you hadn't lifted a finger to help anyone with boots on the ground, in a war that had been raging for years.
That war was a team effort, everyone lost people, and selfish, blowhard comments like yours just insult and belittle those who died for their countries..