318 MSD 8388 distributor

The OP has not mentioned what coil he is using, which is why I covered using a BR coil or a non-BR coil.
To your specific question: correct, wires get jumped out iiiiiif the coil being used does not require a BR. Then add the dist + wire to this bunch of wires, job done.
If the OP is using the original coil or other coil that requires a BR, the wiring gets a bit tricky because of how Mother designed the ign circuitry.
The coil requires full 12v [ BR bypassed ] during cranking, but then requires the BR in the cct engine running; the new dist requires full 12v in both modes.
The only way I could see to do this was with a diode or a relay. I used a 4 pin relay, I think a relay is more reliable in this instance. I did a 68 Polara recently. I used the yw wire on the starter/ign relay to energise the relay for cranking mode. The relay contacts then supply the new dist with full 12v during the cranking mode.