Weight loss.

DF847759-B90F-4D56-A3E4-2D911BD2FC3E.jpeg 3BBEA542-4F66-4C51-A7E7-95D8D1B8F3B7.jpeg 2F66520A-5A20-4FB9-B938-AE719DED33CD.jpeg 54D41F0E-1646-4EF3-AE74-47B88373616D.jpeg 3D4A27DE-38AF-464C-BF73-5B87E214349A.jpeg Got back to the console. I hide my switches in the ashtray, so I needed to make a plate for three switches and a spot for the logger. I started with the door for the console. I had issues with the sharp bend on the outer lip getting air pockets. I’m using a 3 CFM cheaper Harbor Freight pump. I found that the breather material was pulling the resin away from the sharp corner. I have the front top plate in the mold using very little breather material and peel ply. It picked up all the fine detail without air pockets.