Tailshaft bushing removal/install

Resurrecting an old topic. No resolution from the OP, and I've had the same problem twice.

67 Charger in the Silver State Classic, walked 2 tailshaft bushings out of the housing. One walked in and was rattling free on the shaft, the other walked out the back and pushed out the rear seal, carving it up on the way out. Tail shaft, output shaft, drive shaft (length and diameter), yokes, slip yokes, u-joints, rear end (from 8.75 to 9"), gear ratio, pinion angle were ALL CHANGED between incidents. Only thing in common was sustained speed above 125 mph.

Starting to suspect the sustained pinion climb is putting me out of alignment, even though static is perfect. Also suspecting that the rear bushing is not getting enough lube and may need to run an external restricted line off the pressure port to the rear bushing through the side and into a groove.