Cell Phones

Phones, like anything, can be used as a tool to enhance our lives and add convenience, or can become a crippling distraction. It's up to the user to decide which way they will take it.

I use my phone all day long for many things. Writing lists, searching for car parts online while I'm at the shop, buying/selling, streaming music, on and on....but I try very hard not to rely on it. I will occasionally leave the house without it so that I can remember what it was like "back in the day" before we had this mini computer attached at the hip.

There's no arguing that many, if not most people are glued to their phone in public and don't even realize it. One habit I practice is to intentionally leave my phone in my pocket when standing in line or sitting in a waiting room. Patiently standing or sitting without having some sparkly thing to stare at is becoming a lost art.