RedFish here

I had to log in and say HEY to you guys, wish you all have a great weekend, etc....
They put me on a drug to prevent the seizures I was having. They told me I may never be allowed to drive again. I argued that it was drinking a quart of crown royal every day. That was causing the seizures. They know I wont drink again because they told me one drink could kill me. I don't expect to have any more seizures. My comments/views didn't sway them at all.
My son is living here and helping take care of me (just keeping an eye on me, doing heavy lifting for me). I'm so weak, a full coffee pot or gallon of milk is heavy lifting. I'm doing the exercises per physical therapy and occupational therapy too. Don't know if I'll ever get all my strength back. Gonna be a long road for sure. When I came home from hospital, I couldn't strike a Bic lighter. I can do that now so I find improvement where I can.
Any good news to type here? yeah. I've had the complete disc brakes, sway bar and LBP 7&1/4 rear end laying here for many years. The car was never driven enough to need any brake work. Junior and I are preparing to change out all of that. Doesn't matter if it takes all winter to complete.
I have 4 magnum 500 wheels for the bolt pattern change. Those wheels aren't too pretty. They won't be blasted and painted any time soon. Hospital bills took too much of my money.
***** does come out to play anymore. 100mg Viagra did nothing. I took one 4 days in a row then gave up on that. At 65 yrs old my sex life is over. Anyway... They say we all have our crosses to bare. May the burden of your crosses be light.