Drag Week 2022 streaming now...

On the live feed, KJ said they’d had a video of someone cheating turned in, didn’t say what, A few minutes later, they said the Twin Turbo Duster was the one and would be DQ’d.

live chat feed had a whole bunch of folks talking about it too.

I’m glad he wasn’t. Seems like a cool dude and sweet ride.

I heard them talking about stories, one was from the 1320 group from years ago about video of someone loading their car in a trailer and then showing up at the hotel and track without it, as if they drove it. I didn’t hear anything about issues this year, or about Trunkett and his Duster being DQ’ed. But I wasn’t listening really closely either, so I could have misunderstood.

Missed it in the chat as that is always way out of sync for me and it seemed like most of it was questions about Finnegan or Cleatus.

BTW, 1320 films (or whatever their name is) wasn’t on site this year.