Overheating 360 new engine

Lol. Ok buddy, if you say so.

Sounds to me like your definition of "street car" is a lot more like "weekend warrior" than actual street car.

What octane is that "pump gas", and can you get it from the gas station on the corner? Is that 11:1 with iron heads? What's the dynamic compression or cranking PSI?

How many miles a week do you put on your street cars? At what elevation? At what air temperatures?

I think your advice is entirely too specific to your build. Because the reality is that won't work for every build, and saying it will is bad advice.

I never run less than pump premium. The lower grades have way more fillers and detergents and junk. It’s not worth saving ten cents to run 87 for me. And I fill up wherever I want to. Don’t need a special brand or any other voodoo.

It was 11.27:1 (measured, not a guess) and it will be 11.77:1 or maybe a bit higher (again measured, not a guess) when it goes back together. I have to see where the quench is and how far out of the block the pistons are. And that’s on IRON HEADS. I’ve been barking for DECADES that an aluminum head doesn’t “need” more compression or an iron head doesn’t “need” less compression IF you know what you are doing AND you drive like a full retard.

I don’t do cranking compression because it doesn’t matter. It’s BULLSHIT. I’ve had engines rattle at 155 and never make a sound (or any other evidence of detonation) at 210 so I don’t measure it any more. There is ZERO correlation between what an engine shows on a compression gauge and detonation resistance.

I drive my car year round, in all weather unless it’s snowing. Elevation is 1000 feet, but again who cares? It’s what the density altitude is that matters. I can go sea level or below certain times of the year. Plus, I did this when I lived a sea level. More bullshit.

My advice is for people who don’t read magazines and who want a nice running, clean burning engine that makes power on pump gas. If you think it can’t be done YOU are WRONG. And your advice is shitty.

Beginning late January I’m going to do a series on high compression pump gas builds on my YouTube page so I don’t have to deal with forum bullshit, bubble gummers, whiz bangs in gym shirts and bull headed non learners.

Ill cover EVERY aspect of how to do it so when someone wants to build an engine and not give up power because of myths, legend, nonsense, old wives tales and other such propaganda.

There will be nay sayers but they still think the earth is flat and 9.8:1 on pump gas is the max.

I’ll say it again. 200 is TOO HOT for a perf pump gas build. 180 is the MAX. Simple as that. I have a PONTIAC 400 going on the pump in early November that is just under 10:1 and that’s going to run at 180.

The owner isn’t competent to do any more than that. I built him an engine for his ability and capability. So he gets 180, and NO HOTTER.