Overheating 360 new engine

So what's "pump premium" there? Because you can only get 91 octane here, some places you can get 93 or 94.

Hey if you don't like cranking pressure then list the dynamic compression ratio. Something that shows whether or not the cam overlap is blowing off compression.

Altitude does effect the density altitude, which is why I asked. If you live in Denver vs sea level it matters.

If you think you're going to get less BS posting stuff on YouTube, well, you must not know much about YouTube...

I get it man, my build isn't perfect. If I did it again I would do it different, but that just further illustrates why you can't say the black and white, very specific advice you're giving will work for everyone. It won't. And that's ok, I'm sure your builds are awesome, but you didn't build my engine or the vast majority of engines that people run on this board.

Holley Ultra 750 double pumper on a Edelbrock RPM Air Gap. Not a heated manifold, just the opposite.

1- yes, I saw what you said the first time. And I don't believe you, because I've always seen the Chrysler mechanical fans rated in the 4 to 5k range for CFM. Saying over and over again it's 6k+ doesn't change that
2- Neat, still not relevant
3- The OP is overheating at idle, not towing. Totally different situation. And if the electric fans put out the same CFM, it doesn't matter.

Not what I said. For a 26" radiator the Ford Contour set up works well and I suggest it because I know for a fact it works really well. A Lincoln Mark VIII fan supposedly pulls more CFM, that should fit a 26" radiator as well but the layout is a little different for clearance

For a 22" radiator the Ford Taurus fan works really well, guys have been using that one for years on all kinds of different body styles. The Chevy HHR also has a good electric fan set up that works with a 22" radiator, and there's a Mercedes that also has one that works for a 22" radiator. You can find threads will all of those fans here on FABO with a search.

You just have to make sure that you have a fan set up that can actually move enough CFM, all of those will pull 3,000 CFM or more.

Yeah, I know, you spent maximum cubic dollars on everything on your car. Congratulations. You also won't drive it more than 10 miles without putting it on a trailer, so I seriously doubt you actually know if your cooling system will be worth the money you paid for it when you're stuck in traffic when it's 110°F out.

I know, you'd never actually drive in those conditions, so we'll never know. But I've done it, so yeah, I'm super happy with my cheap *** Champion radiator and POS Ford Contour fans, even after like 35k miles. Your car will never have that many miles on it because you're too scared to drive it all the time, so we'll never know if yours is any better.

The only calculated measurement I care about is Effective Compression Ratio. My ECR at 1000 feet and 110% VE is 9.25, and that is easily handled by 91 octane pump gas IF you get engine temperature under control and don’t drop the car in high gear at 30 MPH and stomp the pedal to the floor. Which shouldn’t be done EVER anyway.