Overheating 360 new engine

Don't make me post all your quotes where you say you put your car on a trailer if it has to go more than 10 miles, or where you said you wouldn't drive it 60 miles one way, or that you're scared of getting it damaged. You said it, not me.

Yeah, those are Ma Mopar headers, a Ma Mopar ignition system, a Ma Mopar aluminum radiator...

That's a better way to put it, I was just using the slang

Oh whatever you have to tell yourself to make you feel better

I measured all the actual volumes for my 340 to get my static ratio. All I'm trying to get out of you is some kind of accepted reference because the cam specs make a difference for what you can get away with for a static compression ratio. Perhaps YOU can suggest a better way to compare different engines with different static compression ratios and different cam profiles? Because this isn't about an engine YOU built, it's about somebody else's.
Why would I want to drive it more than 10 miles? I have a work vehicle and I prefer to keep my Barracuda nice. No reason to drive it 60 miles one way....infact I wouldn't even drive my mostly stock '71 Demon 60 miles one way.....I mean for what? That's how you get rock chips and damage to very expensive grilles....now I know what your response will be and hey all I can say is i'm far happier driving my gorgeous cars around less miles but getting **** tons more praise and admiration from people that actually know what they are looking at because they are so nice and well built. Of course I get scared driving my beautiful cars around.....I have a ton of money in them to not only make it run like a scalded dog at the track but also is the envy at most car shows and have you paid attention to the illiterate bastards that congest our roads anymore.....and you can't blame me for any of it as I never had kids.