Overheating 360 new engine

The only calculated measurement I care about is Effective Compression Ratio. My ECR at 1000 feet and 110% VE is 9.25, and that is easily handled by 91 octane pump gas IF you get engine temperature under control and don’t drop the car in high gear at 30 MPH and stomp the pedal to the floor. Which shouldn’t be done EVER anyway.

See, that wasn't so hard!

Using 1,000 ft and VE at 110% the ECR for my 340 is only 8.79, but if I don't pull timing it will detonate under heavy loads. And no, not an artificial heavy load like dumping the car in high gear and going WOT, a real life load like an 8% grade under throttle

And before you jump on your high horse and tell me my build is ****, I know my build isn't perfect. And the fuel I can get here isn't great half the year. And I know from driving the car for 35k+ miles over the last 8 years or so that trying to run it at 160° on the street is a terrible idea. And that's FINE, because you didn't build my engine. And you don't drive my car when it's 110°F out either.

Props to you if your builds work like that, but they don't all work like that, so telling someone on the internet that their car should do that without having built their engine is kinda silly.

Well, power and internet is slowly getting replaced in the GREATER Tampa FL areas. SLOWLY. Water is still out in the Bartow areas.
So maybe the OP might come back on and let us know.

Till then, everyone TOOT your own horn and make this post about yourself.

You'd have a point if you didn't keep making posts like this. If @Slappy wants to PM me, he's more than welcome and I'll happily help him pick an electric fan that will work for him without all the drama and without changing his pulley system or his entire build
Why would I want to drive it more than 10 miles? I have a work vehicle and I prefer to keep my Barracuda nice. No reason to drive it 60 miles one way....infact I wouldn't even drive my mostly stock '71 Demon 60 miles one way.....I mean for what? That's how you get rock chips and damage to very expensive grilles....now I know what your response will be and hey all I can say is i'm far happier driving my gorgeous cars around less miles but getting **** tons more praise and admiration from people that actually know what they are looking at because they are so nice and well built. Of course I get scared driving my beautiful cars around.....I have a ton of money in them to not only make it run like a scalded dog at the track but also is the envy at most car shows and have you paid attention to the illiterate bastards that congest our roads anymore.....and you can't blame me for any of it as I never had kids.

See, I didn't even need to quote you. That sounds absolutely horrible.

I drive my Duster all the time because I love driving it. It gets rock chips and door dings, and while I don't like that it's not worth parking the car over. It's a car and it's meant to be driven and rock chips and door dings are just part of that. If I wanted to drive a boring *** new car all the time I would, but there's no fun in that at all.

If I get in a wreck I'll buy it back, part it out and build another one. Life goes on! That's what insurance is for, it's not worth living in fear, or being afraid to drive my own car. I make it handle and stop as best I can and use that performance to avoid accidents and drive defensively. If that runs out well there's insurance money and repairs, and make it better next time around.

As far as the rest, I couldn't care less if people praise or admire my build. I built it for me and my enjoyment! But you know what? People stop me all the time at gas stations and parking lots to talk to me about my car. But most people don't know all that much anyway, I used to get offers to buy my '72 Challenger all the time, that thing was a rusty POS but everyone wanted it. It's why I don't bother with car shows anyway, at least half the people there don't really know what they're looking at anyway. Or they only appreciate the 100% stock stuff that will get absolutely flogged by a new econo-box commuter car. Again, boring as hell. Drive it or sell it.