Hope you can stand another "compression test results" thread

front to back, Drivers on the left, is

195 is an anomaly so throw it out
150/155 on non-adjacent cylinders are indicating a problem.
the average of the best four, not including the anomaly is 182.25. Therefore, 150/182= 82.4%, equals 17.6 % low, and all on the same side.
Couple that with the thousand rpm idle and the pull-back, this is all pointing to one of two things; A bad driverside head or a bad cam. The LD will tell you which it is. If you got rocker-clatter on that side then you already know the answer.
Thanks for the info! Much appreciated. Question...how exactly does a leak down test tell you if a cam or head is bad? I understand that if you have a poor seal on an exhaust valve you'll hear a "hissing" sound but that's about all I know.