This needs to go viral

I see the value of gas powered vehicles going up.

Until they shut off the fuel pumps.

As a farmer myself and working full time at a fertilizer plant.. its s scary deal. We are having a future outlook for 2023 for urea fert prices up to $4,000/ton. Average crop farmers cant afford those prices. In 2022 the average cost per ton was $1,600. If they can't spread fert they can't plant corn and well..... look at how many things are corn based.. its not going to be good. As far as the EV. Its not practical for exactly what the OP posted. I work at a minimum 20 hours a day during planting and harvest time and that's feild work and silo unloading. thats not counting fixing broken things and the tractors and combines never shut off until nap time. These people have no idea!!!

Agreed, but I suspect it's a passing shortage. I heard on the radio this morning that lumber is back to pre-pandemic pricing. For now.
Fuel costs are going back up due to some bad decisions some people made, and that's not going to help anyone, anywhere.