RedFish here

Red I would not judge your progress by your sex drive. "Other" medication, depression, anxiety, other related etc can drive that right down.

I had a bout with depression when I was around 50. Nobody found a cause, "they" think it was similar to women's menopause, AKA changes in bodily chemistry due to aging. It is probably why I got into a bad car crash and now have a pin from my left knee to my ankle, along with some screws. I remember nothing about the crash, tho I remember maybe 6 miles before, and woke up in the hospital.
Thanks Del. The sex drive (want to) is still here. It's just the tool don't work. I watch the westerns on METV and see men lay in a bed and recover. I fell about 5pm. I layed on the couch until about 2PM the next day when daughter and son-in-law came in. I told Will "I'm gonna lay here and recover like the cowboys on TV." Will said, "Wait a damn minute pop. Aint there a doctor in every one of those shows?" About 5 minutes later, the wife came out of the bedroom and said "I just called you a ambulance and there aint gonna be no argument. You haven't noticed how you are swelling up all over but we see it. I wont let you lay here and die".