Gear ratio and tire size 833 4 speed

Hi everyone, yesterday in the tall gears and 4 speed trans thread, aj/forms posted some pretty interesting numbers on gears and the 833 4 speed. witch got me think about exactly what gears, and even what tires to put on my duster. So I put together this table (of sorts) to illustrate what I was really contemplating.

The top line is the standard gears in a 833, 1st through 4th. then the gears converted through the rear end gears for each set of gears. After that is a chart of engine rpm at 65 mph in fourth gear for each set of rear end gears, with different size tires in different columns.
Taking in account, when I looked up my cam, it was recommended for 3.55 gears. And best between 2500 and 5800 rpm. I decided that 3.55 gears with 28 in tires is what I would probly want to go with. Good drivability, and could probly do alright at the track on Wednesday nights. Using this table you can compute about any thing you want using fractions, for example I was wondering what it would do at 5000 rpm.

65/2769 equals x/5000

By deciding 5000 by 2769 to get 1.8
Then times 65 by 1.8 to get 117 mph at 5000 rpm’s , with a fairly stout engine you could reasonably pull 13s in a quarter I would think. you could go on to check rpm’s in different gears to give you an idea when to shift. Of course this not an exact science and every car is a little different hp, weight and what not but for a basic idea I thought it was helpful, I guess my question is. Does my logic make any sense?