Anyone price motorcycle batteries lately?

Part 2/
I was actually afraid to get onto a motorcycle for a while with all the rehab I'd just been thru so really didn't think much of motorcycles for several years.
My brother in law died in Nov '18, of cancer.
Never married, my mother in law (next of kin) gave it to my son.hed talked to his uncle shortly before this about possibly buying it from his uncle, earlier in his cancer roller coaster. Others knew this so that's how my kid ended up with it.
Now with 2 kids, car seats and bikes don't work. He rode it quite a bit for 2 years and not so much last year with 1 kid and now he has 2.
Then this year, $5.49 a gallon gas, my having a 70 mile a day commute, and 45 mpg beats mid teens, I couldn't afford $25-30 a day just to go to work and back/ the sportster was sitting and I basically had like no choice but to take advantage.