Just hypothetical musings about max power potential

**600hp sbm block limit? Or is it bs!!**

Some good reading there. Duner/MadDuner peaks his head in and is one of the Dakota guys who has made 700 reliably for years(136mph @ 4,000lbs). I have his complete build list(he posted elsewhere) and it’s not even exotic; stock head bolts, eq heads. 700 to the wheels by the way. Digging through different forums there are many examples of turbo builds in the 6-700hp range. Dizuster pushed his stock cast crank into the 850(140mph @ 3700lbs) range with lots of boost from a box stock s475. I don’t believe I’ve seen a single turbo block failure so if you know of any please post up info for the community. That would be valuable to me personally.
