They walk among us

I've had a habit of making purchases by giving the cashier more than the required amount. This way I both get rid of loose change and don't accumulate more.
I'm always amazed that so many people can't do the math in their heads nor do they get it right even when their cash register does the math for them.

Worse than that is people that can't tell time on a standard clock. I used to help coach girls fast pitch softball travel teams. Some years ago the team I was with (18-under age group) was at a tournament and in the middle of one of the games one of the girls was standing behind me in the dugout and asked me what time it was. Since I was involved in the game strategy happening on the field I simply held up my arm and showed her the face of my watch. She looked at my watch, looked back at me and said, "I don't do well with that type of clock". Turns out she had digital clocks at home and had no clue what time was shown by the hands on my watch.

Me too. I had a neighbor girl helping with some yard work. She asked what time it was, I had my nose under the porch so just held up my watch. She didn't know how to read it. She is exceptionally intelligent but had never seen a timepiece with hands. So I spent a few minutes showing her how it works. This is the difference between ignorant (lack of information that can be cured) and stupid (can't be cured and is for life).

I bought a dewalt cordless kit years ago at lowes. You know the 400 dollar one. Somehow another dewalt sticker was on it also. Cashier scans the cheap one. Comes up 160 bucks. I said no thats the small kit this is the big one. You should scan the other bar code. She says this barcode says dewalt. I say they both do smh. She says nope its thos one 160 bucks. I say ok one minute. I ran to the isle grabbed another big kit for 400. I said see. She refused to scan it. At this point i say fine and buy both kits at 160 each and run to my car as fast as possible

Wow. Do we shop at the same Lowes? Years ago I needed a new wood burning stove for the house. It was late in the season and Lowes had only one floor model left so I said I'd take it. We put it on a cart and roll it to the cashier where I handed her the tag hanging off it. I pay via credit card and off we go. Weeks later after installation I check the credit card statement and see the Lowes charge was less than $100 for a stove that was more like $800. I checked the hang tag, which I still had, and see that unknown to anyone, some dim bulb decided to recycle a tag from a part for that stove (under $100) and put the new info for my stove (over $800) on the other side. The cashier rang up the wrong side. I went to Lowe's customer service THREE TIMES with the receipt and the hang tag to tell them I owed then a bunch of money. No one, including two managers, could figure it out. I quit trying after that third attempt. I'm still using that stove today.