I need schooling - old vs. new engines

I can make the exact same argument about carbs. Today, guys are willing to spend hours and and hours learning EFI and they wouldn‘t/didn’t spend 1% of that time learning carburation.

A very wise man (not me) once said the best EFI is carburation.
I'm not going to get into a pissing match over which is better. Everyone has a choice on which flavor ice cream they like.

I personally, will never buy another carb. I'll admit I have spent considerable time learning EFI (self taught), making changes is as easy as a keystroke on the computer. Not to mention it can be done on the fly.

I completely understand any type of wiring/electrical system isn't everyone's forte'. Being an electrical engineer, I've heard anything and everything you can imagine from people who don't understand electricity. If someone doesn't understand how a 3 way light switch works, they need to stay away from EFI. But don't go bashing it saying it's trash. Perhaps change the statement to, I don't understand EFI, so it isn't for me.
I'm uneducated on the process of making gasoline, but that isn't making me bash gas and move to an electric car!