Your not quite correct, my generation is not the first generation to have public school nor were we ever taught what to think as compared how to think. For you to further imply thats its only gotten worse with future generation's only reinforces what ive learned about the uniformed opinions of others.
My children are your age bracket, we were involved with their education no teacher no school told or taught my kids what to think
You've written about your religious beliefs, perhaps if Christians truly embraced the word of God and not twisted His word to justify their own sinful convictions and than passing that down upon their own children, maybe people wouldn't be spreading false agenda about what is being taught in school.
I have six grandchildren split between two of my adult children, all my grandkids attend public school in two states. All of them pledges Allegiance to the Flag every morning. They study all or most of the same things I did. I have public school teachers in the family, when I tell them of the allegations I read about this fake indocmeration I constantly hear about what's being taught in school, they shake their heads.
As far as your 74 year old mother in law goes, she is only a few years older than me. You could do her more of a favor by encouraging her, making sure she has activity and gets out of the house. Her husband died, she is at the closing chapters of the book, what would you suggest she do.
My wife was 58 at the time and I couldn't keep my hands off her, than 12 years ago the phone rang with the results of a medical test and life changed on a dime.....Do you get what chemo and 5 abdominal surgery do to a human body. She's 70 and still by Gods graces still here and of course im grateful but do you think that at times I dont have a lot of "remember when's". Do I need to draw you a picture?
I dont know Mark who posted this thread, I have no idea of his life or what he thinks, I dont post and wouldn't post these little stories like he does but so what. Has Mark done anyone any harm, maybe it makes him and a few others smile, maybe for a few fleeting seconds they forget about what hurts them physically or mentally.
Maybe their young ,healthy and happy.
A lot of what you write is correct, live for today, make memories but sometimes for some of us there is a warm feeling when we go back in time, we just can't make it a fixation and BTW I dont mean to knock you, just showing the other side of the coin

The policies, the economy, the immorality?????? I guess you didn't live through the sixties and seventies
If your mother in law screwed up her life thats on her and if all she has is to complain about it, thats even sadder but your mother in laws life is no refection of anyones else's life and has zero to do with her, mine generation.....
And that's my aim, to put a smile on someone's face so they can face this world they live in.