Converter size?

Ahh, OK now Im starting to get it! Perhaps I need to go back and reread "Rusty's guide to Hot Rod Bliss"... somewhere between the best part you have is the one you got and if it ain't broke don't fix it! See how easy wondering minds wander? THANKS MAN
Considering I'm sick as heck, have all kinda time, and am broke as a joke from being sick ( weren't never loaded no how) that's the best idea I've heard in a long time! That 2200 MP stall just lacks some jump with the 484MP cam and the heads I have...
The B&M might be a good match. You just won't know for sure until you try it. I wouldn't change it beforehand though. I'm sorry we're not more local. I'd come help you do it and we'd have a good time.