Return line fuel restriction?

Silver braze is pretty easy. Like soldering clean it well use proper flux. What I was thinking is that with a new tank you could silver braze an AN fitting into the thank near the sender hole. That hole will of course give you access.

Harris Safety-Silv 56 Brazing Kit 56KPOP

This might seem expensive but it's darn handy to have around. As a former HVAC guy I used that occasionally. Silver braze flows well, a lot better than brass, and doesn't require quite as much heat. I always used oxy-acet, but I'm told you can get by with something like a MAPP torch
Doesn't sound like a bad idea if going that route maybe I should put another fitting down low on the tank for pump feed and do away with the sending unit altogether seems the only thing they do well is read fuel level inaccurately