Highest flowing sbm heads?

The problem here is when you want a higher flowing head your probably really getting into a bigger port which may or may not be good dependent on engine size and goal of the engines power. Also the components being used is another issue.

Even a cylinder head that flows 260-270’s is a powerful head but is often used in a heavy car and a slew of other things not well suited to allow the power to be released to show its potential.

What is the goal being sought?
What does the rest of the build look like?
Cam, compression, etc….

I think so along with a happy flow bench. Very

The problem here is when you want a higher flowing head your probably really getting into a bigger port which may or may not be good dependent on engine size and goal of the engines power. Also the components being used is another issue.

Even a cylinder head that flows 260-270’s is a powerful head but is often used in a heavy car and a slew of other things not well suited to allow the power to be released to show its potential.

What is the goal being sought?
What does the rest of the build look like?
Cam, compression, etc….

I think so along with a happy flow bench. Very happy.
I don't have an immediate goal perse. I do have a very nicely setup bottom end with a project that is stalled for awhile.

At this point just curious if there's any big flow heads out there that will work with a sbm, non race block. Doesn't look that way. This isn't a debate about what I should or shouldn't do, it's really just me wanting to learn more and see what options are out there.