Highest flowing sbm heads?

Man, you are mad. I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Oh and by the way if you look around there are a lot of people making 4 digit horsepower with a stock block. Oh and Brett Miller just did a set of CNC W5's that made well over 850 on the motor. I guess he likes sprinklers too. I love the internet myths. People throwing big money on crap they don't need because some know it all demands that he be the authority on it.

It has everything to do with good flowing heads. EVERYTHING. See folks who are scared of power adders beat their chest like power adder guys are Neanderthal dumbasses. Well I have built a lot of engines for me, my friends, and paying customers. N/A as well as power adders. And I can promise you that a crappy working engine will make a crappy running boosted motor. Do yourself a favor read the articles Kenny Duttweiler has written on the subject.

No truer words have been said. People who get this have "magical" engines that live and make killer power at low boost. Don't tell anyone but I have a Ritter block in my current combo so its not like a dog in this fight.
There are not a lot of people making 4 digits with stock LA Mopar blocks and furthermore I know Brett quite well as he has done 3 engines for me and is working on 2 more and I know the owner of the W5 engine and it is not a stock block AND Brett does NOT love the W5's for the same reason I been talking about but you choose to ignore in-between pounding your chest.....he doesn't really want the liability or bad taste in his mouth by going out of his way to use W5's that have a history of drinking water.....his meat and potatoes is W8 and W9 and that should be anyone with a fully functioning brains heads of choice ALONG with a race block if they are looking for 4 digits.......