Highest flowing sbm heads?

There are not a lot of people making 4 digits with stock LA Mopar blocks and furthermore I know Brett quite well as he has done 3 engines for me and is working on 2 more and I know the owner of the W5 engine and it is not a stock block AND Brett does NOT love the W5's for the same reason I been talking about but you choose to ignore in-between pounding your chest.....he doesn't really want the liability or bad taste in his mouth by going out of his way to use W5's that have a history of drinking water.....his meat and potatoes is W8 and W9 and that should be anyone with a fully functioning brains heads of choice ALONG with a race block if they are looking for 4 digits.......
Man I am sorry I hurt your feelings. Please accept my sincere apology. Brett didn't tell me you were good friends. I didn't realize I couldn't speak about your closest friend. You are so mad that you are inserting things that I never said. I never said Brett loves them, I never said it was a stock block. As a matter of fact I have talked to Brett about the possibility of switching to a W8. He said that I am an anomaly for how my W5 motor runs. I can promise you I didn't listen to some dipshit, claiming to be an expert, on this forum tell me my stuff won't work. If I did that then nothing would run. Maybe when you calm down, let your feelings fade, you can have an honest and coherent conversation.