Personal Bests

I'm curious about which converter, and whose? (The 60 is VERY respectable for your tank!)
My last converter swap was a custom, built for my car, and the results were exactly opposite of yours. Et improved two tenths and three mph, in the eighth.
Went from a TA 3500 tight to an FTI 4000 “hard hit” Launching off idle and the TA always flashed to 3500, with the FTI I’m seeing roughly 4600 off’s a loose type, probably better suited for a 340 -360, not a very torquey 410. It’s more on me than FTI as I didn’t consult for a custom. I bought the FTI early on for a planned engine upgrade and then changed things so I now have a mismatch. It’s coming out and going back to them for a correction, after proper consultation.