Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

That's because those web sites that act up want to track people that are going to them. Firefox allows you to shut off the web site tracking and and online surfing habits.

Works well for me on all web sites I visit. They have a lot bigger market share than 3%, the Microsoft / Google crowd just don't want to admit it.

Actually, no. Firefox has a tendency to do things that don't conform to norms in the programming industry and expect the industry to conform to them, which often does not happen.

As far as online tracking... That is a big subject that, in my opinion, most people give too much weight to. They tend to think its a bigger threat then it really is, and then they don't realize the things that are available and are a potentially bigger threat.

For example. Do you have a cell phone? It knows exactly where you are, you you've called, how long you spoke to them, who you've sent texts to, what you said in those texts. Do you have cable or satellite tv? They track your viewing habits. Do you have internet service? They can track everything you do online. Do you drive? There are cameras everywhere these days that read your license plates and can follow your movements. Do you have email? They know everyone who emails you and that you email, and the content of those emails. They know when you read those emails and which emails you deleted without reading. Credit card companies know everything you buy. I could go on but you get my point.

There is so much more, but you get my point.

So worrying about "online tracking" is really just worrying about one small factor out of many bigger ones.

As far as Market Share: Browser Market Share Worldwide | Statcounter Global Stats